Casa Ponte I
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Casa Ponte I is ideal for a large groups, bachelor parties, weddings and without a doubt the most sought after villa in Costa Rica.
Book Casa Ponte I and II for the ultimate luxury and space with a total of 22 bedrooms and 34 beds. Only 100 yards apart they are completely private from each other, but close enough to be a great option for large groups.
Featured Amenities:
- 10 king / 7 queen / 4 couches
- Courtyard view
- Air Conditioning
- Wifi
- Ocean view
- Private Pool
• 10 king / 7 queen / 4 couches
• Courtyard view
• Air Conditioning
• Wifi
• Ocean view
• Private Pool
13 bedroom
16+ guest
17 baths
13 bedroom
16+ guest
17 baths